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Matrics London How Will AI Affect the Real Estate Industry: Generative AI and it applicability

1.0 Hours Formal CPD


How will AI affect the Real Estate Industry and what will surveying look like in the future?


Understanding the Capabilities of Frontier Models: Generative AI and its Applicability to real estate and surveying more broadly including:

  • Overview of Generative AI in the context of surveying
  • Overview of a number of techniques and how to leverage them.
  • Introduction to limitations, challenges and watchouts
  • Case studies where applied.
  • Overview of present trajectory and possible implications



Philip Brown

Luke Hamilton Jones - Matrics London Chair

Learning Outcomes


  • Overview of Generative AI in the context of surveying
  • Overview of a number of techniques and how to leverage them.
  • Introduction to limitations, challenges and watchouts
  • Case studies where applied.
  • Overview of present trajectory and possible implications