The majority of services provided by KIS are free to members. This includes access to ebooks and ejournals, the enquiry service and access to the library. Where there are charges these are outlined below.

**all prices below are excluding VAT. VAT will be added at the point of invoicing for the service**

Document delivery fees

Items for non-commercial use that require scanning in the main collection

RICS Members: £8.25 per item up to 15 pages

Non-members £15.00 per item up to 15 pages

Copyright fee payable materials

Add £38.00 to the above price up to 20 pages, this is a standard fee that the RICS will then send onto to the Copyright Licensing Agency

Additional 15 pages scanning

RICS Members: £7.00

Non-members: £13.00

Supply of digital RICS content not on but already scanned (regardless of length)

RICS Members: free

Non-members: £13:00

Library access

Access to the beautiful library at Great George Street is included in RICS membership fees. Non-members should email if they would like a day pass and/or assistance of the Knowledge and Information Manager.

Non-member library day pass

corporate (e.g. law firm) £32.00

individual (e.g. historical family research) £18.00

Historical collection retrieval fee

Some items require additional staff resource to access, mostly those in our historical collections and archives. There is no charge to members but due to time to retrieve these items there is a charge of £10 per item retrieved from the archive or historical collection either for viewing in the library or for scanning.

Other services

Voluntary donations

We can sometimes assist with quick enquiries or a quick visit for non-members that does not merit a day pass or scanning fee etc and have been asked about making voluntary donations to enable the library to continue to buy stock or preserve the historical collection, these donations can be made in multiples of £10.

Copyright fees

Some of the content we supply is in copyright so RICS charges a copyright fee in addition to the service charge for supplying the item. This is set by the publisher of the material and covers its licence and use. This fee is not kept by the RICS but sent to the Copyright Licensing Agency to pay to the publisher.

You do not need to pay a copyright fee if:

  • The copy is wanted for research for a non-commercial purpose or private
  • The copy is required for parliamentary or judicial proceedings, a Royal Commission or statutory inquiry
  • The item is out of copyright, usually 70 years after the author’s death
  • Where the item is published by the RICS and we own the copyright.

If the item is still in copyright but a copyright fee does not need to be paid due to being used for research, non-commercial purpose or judicial proceedings the person who wants to use the copy must complete a copyright declaration form in order to declare that they are not knowingly breaking copyright law. You will be emailed this form when the Knowledge and Information Services Manager confirms the item is available to supply.