All candidates must obtain a counsellor*

You must appoint a RICS qualified counsellor to support and guide you through your application and assessment process.

It is your responsibility to seek out a counsellor who can support you with your journey towards membership.

*Except for student membership or RICS Fellow applications


How will a counsellor support you?

Your counsellor should support you through your training and be a ‘critical friend’ to you. They may not have personal knowledge of your experience in all the chosen competencies. But they will still be able to support you and verify your experience by having discussions with you about your experience.


Counsellors should;

  • Meet with you at regular intervals (every four to six weeks).
  • Give clear guidance about where you need to develop.
  • Ensure you understand the assessment requirements and progress as expected.
  • Develop a training programme for you to follow.
  • Ensure work opportunities are available to meet the assessment requirements and you are supported by other colleagues.
  • Work with you to complete your competency selection in the assessment platform.
  • When they are satisfied that you have achieved the required levels in all the competencies needed for your chosen pathway.

Who can qualify as a counsellor?

  • If you are applying to become a Chartered Member your counsellor must be Chartered Member (MRICS) or RICS Fellow (FRICS).
  • If you are applying to become an Associate Member your counsellor can be a Chartered member (MRICS), RICS Fellows (FRICS) or an Associate Member (AssocRICS).
  • All grades of qualified member - FRICS, MRICS and AssocRICS can become a counsellor as soon as they are elected.
  • For more information on becoming a counsellor - Information for counsellors (

How can I find a counsellor?

  • Speak with your line manager, team leader, employer, or HR coordinator. They could direct you to RICS members within your company that might assist.
  • The RICS Find a Member Portal can help you find professional members within a city, state, or country. Some members have their direct contact details, or using LinkedIn, you could reach out.
  • Using LinkedIn, you can search AssocRICS (if you are applying to become an AssocRICS) , MRICS or FRICS to seek those within your professional network and make new connections with RICS members.
  • On LinkedIn, RICS has created the Assessment Portal Group. You are welcome to join and ask questions or post that you are looking for a counsellor.
  • Join Matrics, created to look after the interests of members entering or not long in the profession of surveying and start building your networks.
  • Join the myRICS Community Candidate Support group. Visit the myRICS Community and log in with your existing My Account details.

Need further help?

If you need any further help, please contact our Candidate Support Team.