The enquiry service helps members with the following:

  • information requests – we will attempt to source journals, extracts from books, reports and other publications for members, or guide them to where these can be found
  • ethical dilemmas and queries related to day-to-day work
  • technical questions about surveying practice
  • queries relating to RICS standards and guidance.

Email us about what you need help and support on. Please note that we have a small number of staff at present, but we will make sure we respond as soon as possible.

Please do not contact us about membership queries, cpd or other type of queries as we cannot help with those, please contact the relevant team, a list of other teams and contact details are included at the end of this section.

Our enquiry handling policy is available here.

Please only contact the knowledge team about the enquiries as detailed above, some other useful teams are listed below:


Joining RICS:

Membership queries:

Qualifications or university accreditation: