University students

RICS in West Midlands University Series - Industry & Academia: How can we collaborate effectively?

Tue 09 Jul 2024 15:00 - 18:00 BST 2.0 Hours Formal CPD

The Simulation Centre, Coventry University, Cheetah Road, Coventry, CV1 2TL


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The event provides an opportunity to discuss how universities can collaborate more effectively with the construction industry. The goal is to ensure that the graduates and apprentices we produce are well-suited to meet the needs of the industry.

This will include graduates finishing a full-time degree or in industry placements. The session will also provide in-depth insight into how degree apprenticeships can work for business.

All RICS members are invited to join the conversation on how academia can work with you to make the best courses, providing the best students with the knowledge and skills you need.

The event will also offer ample opportunity for networking with other industry professionals.

Confirmed topics and speakers

·         Overview of Coventry Degree Apprenticeship Team

  • Naomi Northey - Apprenticeship contract manager, Coventry University

·         The Degree Apprenticeship Pipeline

  • Dave Roberts - Associate Head of School Marketing and Recruitment, Coventry University