When RICS Governing Council announced the opening of the Defining our Future in March, I spoke about how proud I was to be part of our profession. We wanted to hear from all voices across our global profession, in order to ensure RICS’ support was relevant and fit for the future.

Since then, I have been truly humbled and inspired by response of our profession over the last six weeks. With participation from all over the world, as part of Defining our Future we have seen:

  • 1,519 attendees at 87 virtual roundtables across 32 global regions
  • 1,001 formal consultation responses
  • 8,033 professionals completing of Survey of the Profession
  • 6,207 downloads of consultation materials from our website

To put this in context, roundtables alone provided 130 hours for elected members of RICS Governing Council to listen and to absorb your insight and recommendations – an astonishing performance given the pressures I know all professionals are under. Similarly, counting only roundtables and time spent viewing our online materials, participants gave an amazing 2,473 hours – equivalent to 103 days – to help Governing Council ensure RICS’ priorities are fit for the future. I know many more hours went into consultation and survey responses, so I am extremely grateful that you gave your valuable time to share your views.

Kath Fontana FRICS zoom_in

Kath Fontana FRICS

See your contributions to Defining our Future in numbers here – thank you for helping Governing Council ensure RICS’ priorities are fit for the future

I had the privilege to join some of the virtual roundtables, where I heard professionals cover a huge range of topics. Conversation was robust and sometimes critical, but it was always constructive. However, what really stood out time and again was not only the deep expertise that RICS members bring to their practice, but also the sheer dedication and passion which underpins their approach and defines professionalism.

I and fellow Governing Council members learned a huge amount by hearing directly from members, and we are extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to hear directly about your hopes for the future.

Next steps

Now that the evidence-gathering phase has closed, the insight you have shared will be analysed and the findings across all input routes reported to Governing Council. When it meets in May, Governing Council will use all feedback to review its strategy and priorities for the future, and will publish a summary of the responses and explain how these have shaped its thinking. Any resulting revisions to RICS’ future business plan will be approved by Governing Council in November.

It is only by consulting broadly and hearing a range of views that we can continue to drive positive change in built and natural environment. Your contributions via Defining our Future have been hugely valuable and will help RICS evolve its support to remain relevant in the fast-changing world our profession serves.

Thank you again, and I look forward to updating you on progress very soon.

  • Kathleen Fontana FRICS, RICS President, and Managing Director, Mitie Projects