RICS, the global professional body for qualifications and standards in land, property, infrastructure, and construction, has been selected to become part of the European Commission's Emissions Trading System II (ETS2) expert group. This is a significant step for RICS in contributing to shaping the future of the EU's carbon pricing mechanism and ensuring that the interests of its members and stakeholders are represented in the policy-making process.

The ETS2 is a cornerstone of the EU's climate policy and one of the most extensive carbon pricing mechanisms in the world. The system covers approximately 40% of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions, and its main goal is to reduce emissions in a cost-effective manner while promoting innovation and investment in low-carbon technologies. The ETS has been in place since 2005, and the current phase (Phase IV) runs from 2021 to 2030. The ETS2 expert group will play a crucial role in advising the European Commission on the implementation of this system and its ongoing development.

RICS has been active in the EU climate policy debate for several years, and its Brussels office has been instrumental in supporting this effort. The Brussels office is uniquely placed to provide insights into the EU decision-making process, enabling RICS to engage proactively with policymakers, regulators, and stakeholders. Through its industry standards, guidelines, and best practices, RICS has been actively promoting a transition to a low-carbon economy and supporting its members in adapting to this new reality.

The expertise and experience that RICS brings to the table make it an ideal candidate to join the ETS2 expert group. RICS has a long-standing commitment to sustainability and has been at the forefront of promoting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices in the land, property, infrastructure, and construction sectors. The triple helix concept, which RICS's representative follows, builds on the interplay between government, academia, and industry, making the RICS representative an ideal fit for the ETS2 expert group.

By joining the ETS2 expert group, RICS will have the opportunity to influence the policy-making process directly, ensuring that the interests of its members and stakeholders are taken into account. The group will provide a forum for RICS to engage with policymakers, regulators, and stakeholders, providing insights into the latest developments in the ETS2 and ensuring that the system is implemented in a fair, effective, and transparent manner.

In conclusion, RICS joining the ETS2 expert group is a significant step in promoting sustainable practices in the land, property, infrastructure, and construction sectors. By engaging proactively with policymakers, regulators, and stakeholders, RICS is contributing to shaping the future of the EU's carbon pricing mechanism and supporting its members in adapting to a low-carbon economy. RICS's Brussels office has been instrumental in supporting this effort, and we are confident that RICS's expertise and experience will be a valuable addition to the ETS2 expert group.

For more information on ETS 2 please follow the link: Carriages preview | Legislative Train Schedule (europa.eu).

For more information on the Brussel's office please contact EU public affairs manager Fausta Todhe: ftodhe@rics.org.