A new agreement from Crown Commercial Service now requires that all tenders for Public Estates Services in the UK are delivered by RICS accredited firms, a fantastic recognition of our profession’s expertise and capability to work to the highest professional standards.

This new requirement ensures that public estates management services are delivered to RICS standards, giving customers in central government, wider public sector and the third sector access to the most innovative and responsible suppliers. The new framework also offers more access to public sector contracts for SMEs, with the agreement boasting of 35% SMEs as successful suppliers - a 2% increase from the last iteration of the framework.

The new RM6168 framework from Crown Commercial Service is now available for customers looking to procure a range of Estate Management Services. It extends the current framework agreement for Estates Management Services to include:

  • Total Estate Management
  • Estate (Property) Management 
  • Agency & Lease Management
  • Surveying & Strategic Advice
  • Valuation and Compulsory Purchase Orders
  • Business rates 
  • Integrated Workplace Management (Integrator Services)   

The agreement is heavily weighted on quality, so tenders from suppliers will require 70% of their service offer to deliver quality outcomes with 30% of an agreement based on a price weighting.

Other benefits of the framework;

  • Innovative suppliers will deliver value to enhance quality in the management of the public sector estate
  • Potential for users to secure additional savings on framework prices, saving money to the taxpayer
  • Commercial benefits for customers procuring in the public sector
  • Social Value reporting covering Modern Slavery, Diversity of Supply Chains, Fair and Inclusive Employment practices and Environmental Sustainability
  • Robust framework management process to ensure easy of delivery for customers and suppliers
  • Standardised contract terms

For more information, email info@crowncommercial.gov.uk

Paul Bagust, RICS Head of Land & Property Standards, said:

“We welcome Crown Commercial Service’s new RM6168 procurement framework which will offer greater assurance to public sector customers looking to procure estate management services. Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2020/21 CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits equal to £2.04bn - supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers. As the tender requirement is that all suppliers of estate management services are RICS accredited, contracts will be delivered to the highest professional standards. This will improve services funded by the taxpayer and ensure that social value, fair and inclusive employment practices and environmental sustainability are delivered by public sector organisations in the management of their buildings. The framework will also increase access to public service contracts for small and medium sized suppliers driving greater service innovation into the future”