Building inclusive cites: The role of real estate

1.0 Hour Formal CPD



How inclusive are today's cities, and how can real estate professionals contribute to creating more equitable and accessible urban environments?

Cities account for approximately 80% of global GDP and are home to more than half of the world’s population. By 2050, nearly 7 out of 10 people are expected to live in cities, according to The World Bank Group.

This webinar, drawing on The Inclusive Cities Barometer developed by Cushman & Wakefield, examines how cities can become more inclusive across four overarching themes: social, economic, spatial, and environmental. The discussion will highlight key areas of inequality and how these can be tackled. Covering both the EMEA and APAC regions, the webinar will also explore inclusivity across four stages of city development: mature urban centres, social drivers, rapid risers, and emergers — providing examples of exemplar cities and what we can learn from them.

Together with government, the real estate industry, as the stewards of urban environments, has a central role in shaping the development, management, occupation, and strategic planning of cities. Join our expert panel as we discuss how to build more inclusive cities and why inclusivity should be seen as an asset rather than a cost.


Price summary

Building inclusive cites: The role of real estate
