UK Building Surveying Conference 2023 - On-Demand

6.0 Hours Formal CPD



Professional Development Package only


The RICS Building Surveying Conference, which is the most popular and established UK event in the industry, is returning to an in-person conference for the May 2023 edition. This year, it will focus on preparing Building Surveyors on the latest regulatory shifts, with a particular focus on new building safety and energy efficiency requirements. Three concurrent breakouts will focus on the key upcoming priorities for the profession, from the latest standards and sector updates to guidance and best practice examples of surveying practice and innovation.

This conference will explore how these new regulations have affected practitioners in the building surveying industry. It will provide perspectives from the HSE and building surveyors to present insight from those developing the regulations to people in the profession. It will explore the experiences of drastically changing the way we ensure building safety and drive the delivery of better, safer, and more sustainable buildings.

This is our biggest chance to make a strong impact on public safety and the future of our communities. New competencies are needed, new safety roles will be required, and new guidance and professional standards will need to be followed to ensure we continue to deliver on our responsibilities towards clients and the wider society.

Enrich your knowledge by networking face-to-face with your peers and thought leaders in the industry, which will drive forward your practice, ensuring its success in the future.


Professional Development Package only