Decision of the Disciplinary Panel

Date of Decision: 15 and 16 September 2020

Case of: Tariq Samee

RICS Membership Number: 1130733

Location: Essex, UK

The formal charge against Mr Tariq Samee is as follows:

Following a Disciplinary Panel Hearing heard on 16 and 17 July 2019, you were made subject to a number of conditions (as set out in Schedule 1).  The allegations are that:

1(a) In respect of those conditions, you failed to act in a way that is consistent with your professional obligations, in that you:

               i.    failed to comply with condition 4 within the stipulated 7-day timeframe;

              ii.    only complied with condition 4 after being contacted by RICS and reminded of the obligation on 8 October 2019;

             iii.    have indicated a refusal or purported inability to comply with condition 7;

1(b) Your actions at 1(a) above:

               i.    undermine RICS’ ability to monitor compliance with your conditions 5-6

              ii.    lacked integrity in that you deliberately or recklessly sought to frustrate one or more of the conditions imposed on you and/or RICS’ ability to monitor your compliance with the conditions

Contrary to Rule 3 of the Rules of Conduct for members (Version 6)

Schedule 1:

1.   You must notify the RICS Head of Regulation, within seven calendar days of the date these conditions become effective, of any paid or unpaid employment that you accept within the professional field of surveying or any related field.

2.   You must inform any Condition 1 employer of these conditions.

3.   You must allow RICS to exchange information with any Condition 1 employer.





8.   In the event that the conditions are not complied with then the Member may be liable for further disciplinary action.  

Note: Conditions 4, 5, 6 and 7 were redacted in the public version of the decision of the Disciplinary Panel of 16-17 July 2019 in order that they remain private. 

Finding: Proved

Sanction: Expelled

The Disciplinary Panel also made an order to costs.