Decision of the Disciplinary Panel

Date of Decision: 11 September 2019

Case of: Subramoniam Eswar

RICS Membership Number: 1120270

Location: United Arab Emirates

The Disciplinary Panel considered evidence relating to four charges (and multiple sub-charges) against Mr Eswar. The charges including failing to act with integrity and/or avoid actions and/or situations which were inconsistent with their professional obligations, and failures to carry out professional work with due skill, care and diligence and with proper regard for the technical standards.

The Disciplinary Panel found all charges proved, save for 2(d).

Contrary to Rule 6 of the Rules of Conduct for Members 2007

Finding: Proved (save for charge 2(d)).

Sanction: Reprimand & Conditions

The Disciplinary Panel also made an order to costs.