Decision of the Appeal Panel

Date of Decision: 10 May 2019

Case of: Philip Antino

RICS Membership Number: 0840777

Location: Essex

The Disciplinary Panel heard evidence relating to charges against Mr Antino on various dates in 2018.  On 12 December 2018, the Disciplinary Panel found 5 charges proved, and expelled Mr Antino from membership of RICS with immediate effect and ordered him to contribute towards RICS’ costs. For more details, see here .

Mr Antino appealed against the finding and/or sanction for the charges, and the Appeal Panel considered the case on 10 May 2019.  The Appeal Panel allowed the appeal for three charges and refused the appeal for further two charges. The Appeal Panel upheld the sanction of expulsion.

Outcome: Appeal allowed in part but upheld the sanction of expulsion.

The Appeal Panel also made an order to costs.