Decision of the Disciplinary Panel

Date of Decision: 29 June 2018

Case of: Mark Taylor | Taylor Surveyors Ltd (Firm)

RICS Membership Number: 1127065 | 790870

Location: Loughton, UK

The formal charge against Mark Taylor is:

The Disciplinary Panel heard 9 charges against Mark Taylor with respect to ethical behaviour, competence, information to RICS and cooperation.

Additionally, the Panel examined 10 charges against the firm Taylor Surveyors Ltd with respect to professional behaviour and indemnity

Contrary to Rule 6 of the Rules of Conduct for Members 2007

Finding: The Panel found 6 charges proved and 3 not proved, with respect to the member. The panel also found 9 charged proved and 1 not proved, with respect to the firm.

Sanction: Member Expelled and Firm Registration Removed

The Disciplinary Panel also made an order to costs.