I am pleased to report positive advances in implementing Lord Bichard’s recommendations during the last month. This is in line with our commitment to work at pace to ensure we deliver the organisation members have called for and that we will need to ensure we can face the future with confidence. The most important aspect of the change we are delivering is to transform RICS as a member-led organisation. Not only will this help ensure RICS is acting on members’ priorities, but it will also help effectively leverage the talent and insight of our global profession in service of the public advantage. One way we can do this – while also delivering recommendation 29 of the Bichard RICS Review – is via the consultation now open on the development of Professional Group Panels (PGPs), which aim to give a greater role and voice for professional disciplines within RICS’ governance. As trailed in my last update, PGPs would represent the existing 17 Professional Groups and report into a new Knowledge and Practice Committee, drawing support from newly created specialised interest communities to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing. This is an exciting opportunity to shape the future direction of the profession, and your views are essential for making sure we get this right. I would encourage all members to submit their views before the consultation closes on 21 October 2022.

Later this week we will also provide further news on recent Bichard RICS Review progress, prior to publishing a full update on the transformation programme in the coming weeks including a more detailed roadmap for delivery.

As ever I welcome any feedback that members may wish to share, and I hope these developments and initiatives deliver confidence that we are working rapidly to deliver the member-led, future-fit organisation that we all want to see.