In this video discussion, Andrew Knight interviews Angelos Nicolaou who is the CEO of SEKTOR, a construction technology company. They discuss the current state of technology adoption in the construction industry, the challenges faced by construction teams in adopting new technologies, the importance of integration and interoperability among construction technology solutions, the role of system integrators and consultants in building digital stacks for clients, and the need for low-cost, high-impact solutions to initiate digital transformation. They also emphasise the significance of top-level management support, the value of demonstrating ROI in technology implementation, the role of culture and change management, and the ease of use of technology tools on construction sites. In this video the following topics are covered:

  • State of technology adoption in the construction industry
  • Integration and interoperability of construction technology solutions
  • Challenges faced by construction teams in adopting technology
  • Role of system integrators and consultants in building digital stacks
  • Importance of low-cost, high-impact solutions for digital transformation
  • Top-level management support and ROI in technology implementation
  • Culture, change management, and ease of use in construction technology.

More information regarding the Tech Partner Programme and our partner SEKTOR can be found here.