R8Tech is an innovative technology company specialising in energy management solutions. In the video, they covered various topics related to their cutting-edge technology and its application in energy management. In this video the following topics are discussed:

  • Energy analytics: R8Tech showcased their advanced energy analytics platform, which utilises real-time data and machine learning algorithms to analyse energy consumption patterns and identify opportunities for optimisation.
  • Automated monitoring and control: They highlighted their smart monitoring and control system that enables businesses to track and manage energy usage across different devices and systems. This includes real-time monitoring, automated alerts, and the ability to remotely control energy-consuming equipment.
  • Demand response: R8Tech explained how their solution empowers businesses to participate in demand response programs, which involve adjusting energy consumption in response to grid conditions or utility requests. This can help reduce peak demand, lower electricity costs, and support grid stability.
  • Energy efficiency recommendations: The video showcased how R8Tech's technology provides actionable recommendations for improving energy efficiency. This includes identifying energy-saving opportunities, suggesting equipment upgrades, and proposing operational changes to maximise energy efficiency.
  • Sustainability tracking: R8Tech discussed their sustainability tracking feature, which allows businesses to monitor and report on their energy consumption and carbon emissions. This helps organisations track their progress towards sustainability goals and comply with regulatory requirements.
  • Cost savings and environmental benefits: The video emphasised how R8Tech's technology can deliver significant cost savings for businesses by optimising energy usage and reducing waste. Additionally, it highlighted the environmental benefits of energy efficiency, such as reduced carbon footprint and a more sustainable future.

More information regarding the Tech Partner Programme and our partner R8tech can be found at www.rics.org/techpartner