Following the conclusion of RICS Governing Council Strategy Seat Elections, we welcome the announcement of four new members of the Governing Council from Nicholas Maclean, Chair of Governing Council (Interim).

“I am very pleased to announce the names of our four new, elected, members of Governing Council: David Hourihan, Andrew Gooding, Jonathan Milner and Gordon Johnston. Congratulations to them and to those who voted and took part in the election process. They will take up their seats on 1 July 2022 to provide their professional insight to the governance and strategy of RICS.

I would particularly like to thank the other candidates who stood. Their boldness in be willing to stand for these offices does RICS great credit and I wish them very well when, as I am sure they will, they choose to stand again in a future vote.

Thanks should also go to the present incumbents, who have worked exceptionally and selflessly, particularly over the last twelve months, for the benefit of the Institution and the profession.

There are two further vacant seats (Urbanisation & Planning and Research & Development). The process for filling these chairs will be announced after the delivery of the Bichard Review, which is due next month.”

Election results


% turnout

Candidate elected

% of votes

Academia and Education Seat


David Hourihan


Capital Markets and Valuation Seat


Andrew Gooding


Land 4.43

Gordon Johnston

Residential 4.53

Jonathan Milner


Hear from the winning candidates

David Hourihan – Academia & Education

“I very much look forward to progressing my election pledges to work on behalf of RICS with educational institutions to develop curricula that meets the needs of our construction and real estate industry on key topics such as sustainability, digital technologies and apprenticeship training. I will also promote ethical standards, inter-disciplinary engagement and seek to attract a wider pool of talent to our industry.”

Andrew Gooding – Capital Markets & Valuation

“I am honoured to have been elected to RICS’ Governing Council and am conscious of the responsibilities that this carries on behalf of the profession at this critical time for the organisation.”

Gordon Johnston – Land

“I am honoured and pleased to have been elected on to the Governing Council and wish to thank all those who voted and put their trust in me. I am looking forward to representing the profession and getting involved in shaping the future of the RICS at this really interesting, challenging and important time.”

Jonathan Milner – Residential

“Thank you to all who voted in the elections. I am pleased to have been elected to the RICS Governing Council to represent the residential industry and I look forward to working on behalf of RICS to develop our residential profession to be the very best. I am mindful of the responsibility that the position brings, and with the upcoming Bichard review, the importance of the opportunities presented at this time for the Institution.”