The RICS Q2 Global Performance Report is now live and ready to download.

RICS’ Global Quarterly Performance reports are intended to give professionals, interested stakeholders, governing council and employees a high - level overview of the organisation’s operational performance every quarter.

This report covers RICS’ performance from April to June 2023. It highlights the continued progress towards strategic objectives, positive developments on standards, thought leadership, membership and corporate performance.

During this period, RICS made several appointments in key governance and executive roles, includingnew RICS CEO Justin Young, and Justin Sullivan FRICS to RICS Senior Vice President (SVP). Additionally, Q2 also saw new and returning Chairs and members take up their roles in World Regional Boards.


Some of the RICS performance highlights in Q2 2023 are:

  • 1,659 new candidate enrolments
  • 5,768 viewers for digital seminars and CPD webinars
  • 17,000 visitors to RICS World Built Environment Forum
  • 2,768 professional assessments delivered


Member Engagement activity

The second quarter displayed a continuing increase in activity across all key markets building on the foundation of the Member Engagement Experience and Value (MEEV) working group. Member Services Steering Group (MSSG) introduced key initiatives that improve member engagement, and the value members gain from their membership.


Member engagement highlights in Q2 2023 include:

  • More than 2,000 members attended networking events in over 30 countries
  • 2,312 members joined global and regional conferences
  • 62 free face-to-face networking events held globally
  • 1,804 members attended free CPD member engagement webinars


UK and Ireland Matrics activity

Engaging with our next generation continues to be a top priority with the push to build support networks and ensuring it is more accessible, inclusive and modern around the globe. The framework to drive Matrics activity globally is now underway with committees starting to form in Europe, India, Africa and APAC to develop and grow new and existing Matrics groups. In Q2 Richard Golding AssocRICS was appointed as the new UK Matrics board Chair.


UK and Ireland Matrics highlights include:

  • 50 Matrics events delivered across the UK
  • £4,965 raised in events to support Lionheart
  • 1,200 Matrics members attended events


For further insights on thought leadership, professional practice, regulation and many more of RICS’ operational performance this second quarter, download the full report to get more details.

Alongside the Q2 report we have published the latest highlights from RICS’ Survey of the Profession from May/June. The survey gives members the opportunity to view the performance of the institution against our key objectives, as well as share their thoughts and opinions on what should beprioritised in order to help shape the future of our work for public advantage. Download the highlights for more information.