We are a certified consumer ADR body for the purposes of the alternative dispute resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities & Information) Regulations 2015.

This allows our dispute resolution service to assist businesses who are seeking to resolve disputes with consumers through our bespoke Consumer Mediation Scheme (CMS).

The CMS provides an alternative means of resolving disputes for consumers who have brought goods or services from a trader and who have exhausted the trader’s complaints procedure and remain dissatisfied with the outcome.

Free advice

We also offer a helpline providing half an hour’s free advice from a chartered surveyor. This service is available for any party who is not professionally represented.

Contact the DRS team

  • RICS Dispute Resolution Service
    55 Colmore Row
    B3 2AA
  • Call: +44 (0) 20 7334 3806
  • Email us