New governance to deliver confidence for the future.

In November 2018, the profession voted in favour of a series of changes to the RICS Royal Charter and Bye-Laws designed to establish a modernised, future-facing governance structure fit for a 21st century professional body. Following Privy Council approval, these changes have been fully implemented and are operational as of 2 March 2020.

These included:

  • Enabling a more globally diverse Governing Council, drawn from members around the world and across the different sectors of our profession
  • Introduction of a new role of Chair of Governing Council, separate from the ambassadorial role of RICS President
  • Establishing a new joint Standards and Regulation Board

As a result of these reforms, RICS professionals can expect to benefit from agile decision making over the future direction of RICS and how we best lead and support the profession. We believe these reforms help improve our effectiveness and our impact and, therefore, secure our future as a self-regulating profession, trusted to set and enforce standards to the benefit of the public good.

Stage two:

Governing Council is undertaking further work to inform a second stage of reforms which will build on the first stage completed in March 2020. We continue to work on the specifics of what this will include and the timescales, and will regularly engage with the profession as this work develops.

Any questions regarding our governance reforms or about our corporate governance, please email