As the new academic year starts, school pupils in Wales will now benefit from the option of a new Built Environment GCSE, the first of its kind in the UK.

The course is designed to showcase to students the diverse career paths they can take in the built environment – from surveyors to architects, brick layers to engineers. It will also highlight the important roles sustainability and technology has in the sector.

With the UK construction sector estimated to have a workforce shortage of more than 200,000 by 2025 to meet our current housing, construction and infrastructure demands, it is more important than ever to inspire the next generation of built environment professionals. This is backed up by our regular RICS UK Construction & Infrastructure Monitor which consistently highlights labour shortage as a growing challenge.

RICS have long called for governments to invest in these skills at an earlier age and are pleased to see progress being made in Wales. RICS and other built environment organisations have been supporting Welsh teachers to ensure they are equipped and prepared for this new addition to the curriculum and students are excited to select this as an option when making their GCSE choices. 

RICS Public Affairs Officer for Wales Sam Rees, commented:

“It is fantastic to see this new GCSE being delivered in Wales. Students already benefit from a range of built environment courses at a Further Education and Higher Education level, but it is important to capture the interest of pupils before they turn 16.

“The new course will not just help to provide a solution to the growing skills shortage in the UK but will also help us to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing future generations, especially climate change. I am glad that the new course looks set to embed sustainable construction methods into its teaching – an important factor when we consider 40% of our carbon footprint comes from the built environment.”

RICS Wales Board Member and Head of Water Distribution at Welsh Water Imogen Brown added:

“I’m so pleased to see this new GCSE being offered to pupils at an age where it can be difficult to decide on a future career path. 

“The quality of our built environment can have a huge influence on a range of things, including the economy, environmental sustainability and even the wellbeing of our communities so it’s great to see this importance being recognised through the curriculum.  Having personally enjoyed working in this arena I’d thoroughly recommend it as an exciting, challenging and rewarding career.”