I am sure that many members will still be coming to terms with the passing of our Patron, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. As President Clement Lau reflected after representing the profession at the State Funeral, the example set by the late monarch is an inspirational reminder to us all of what we can achieve if doing good by others is our ultimate goal. In that light, members should take heart in their commitment as chartered surveyors to public service, secure in the knowledge that making a positive difference in the world through the use of our particular talents is the greatest reward one can hope for in professional life.

In other areas, I wanted to flag to members two opportunities to share your views on some important topics for the profession. First, the consultation on the development of Professional Group Panels (PGPs) is now open for views. As well as directly addressing one of the Bichard RICS Review’s recommendations, the establishment of PGPs will establish a vital means of representing members and channelling their vast insight and valuable specialist perspectives into RICS governance. It will also foster uniquely relevant knowledge sharing and community-building within and amongst professional disciplines, so I encourage all members to submit their views before the consultation closes on 21 October 2022.

Elsewhere, we are today launching a consultation on new advice to valuers operating in the secured lending residential market in England. The new guidance proposed aims to create consistency and transparency in the valuation approach, providing assurance to lender clients and facilitating the property market by enabling transactions to proceed.

The consultation for the guidance on Valuation approach for properties in multi-storey, multi-occupancy residential buildings with cladding follows extensive engagement with lenders, RICS Valuers and other interested stakeholders and will reflect remediation arrangements and schemes in Scotland and Wales once published. We are keen to hear as many views as possible to inform this, so please share your input to the consultation before it closes on 31 October 2022.

Finally, members can look forward to a full update on the Bichard transformation programme in the coming weeks. This will include a delivery roadmap that will enable members to keep track of progress, as we work at pace implement these important reforms to ensure RICS supports you effectively in your vital work for the public advantage.