As UK students voice their demands for action to prevent climate change and tackle the ongoing environmental crisis, RICS is supporting Teach the Future, a youth campaign led jointly by the UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN) and Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK) to repurpose our education system around tackling the climate emergency and ecological crisis.

The campaign calls for radical reform of the education system to ensure learning needs reflect the severity of the climate crisis. Students have onboarded young people and are engaging with the Cabinet Office COP26 youth engagement team and Schools Minister, Nick Gibb to find out more about the Department for Education’s perception of current climate education provision in schools.

These calls for education reform chime with RICS’ call to arms to encourage students to build our future planet today. We know the next generation is passionate about sustainability and that young people rate sustainability and ethics as very important to their career decisions.

“We believe that advances in the education system called for by the Teach the Future campaign will support the recruitment of a more diverse group of young people into the surveying profession equipped with the skills to mitigate and adapt our built and natural environment to climate change and this can only be a good thing. ”

#myfutureplanet is our campaign to highlight how chartered surveyors play a key role in tackling the environmental crisis, positioning surveying as a career that enables a positive impact on the future of the planet. We are engaging young people in schools and universities across the UK to raise awareness of the opportunity a surveying career provides to make a difference to the planet driving social value and a positive environmental impact.

  • Barry Cullen, is Head of Future Talent and Diversity & Inclusion at RICS
  • To find out more about Teach the Future, email or follow them on Twitter