“The impact Covid-19 is having on rent payments in both the commercial and residential markets have left landlords and tenants in disarray. These disputes do not need a determinative judgement as, clearly, the rent is still due - the issue is the tenants being unable or unwilling to pay. Landlords though still need to meet their commitments, and so a vicious cycle develops, which can only be unlocked by pragmatic and commercially savvy negotiations. ”

Dr John Fletcher

Global Director of Dispute Resolution, RICS

The RICS Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) is the largest and oldest built environment specific ADR service provider in the world, making over 5000 appointments a year. DRS has been appointing sector professionals as robust, evaluative mediators in matters like this for decades and has the highly experienced and expert RICS President’s Panel to draw on.

Mediations, traditionally, take place face-to-face, but, as a response to the current urgent need in the market, RICS is launching its On-Line Mediation Service from Monday 20 April. Full details are available from the DRS and on the RICS website, but in essence anyone wanting to have a matter resolved will be able to approach DRS, who will act as the central administrator for the process. DRS will match the dispute to a suitably experienced mediator, contact the other side, manage documents and evidence, and set up the online mediation sessions themselves.
The RICS Online Mediation Service can assists with all forms of property and built environment disputes.

The service will be subject to carefully defined cost and fee levels and will provide a transparent, value-for-money service, for the duration of the Covid-19 crisis and quite possibly beyond.