Measure whole-life carbon emissions, manage carbon budgets, reduce life cycle emissions and deliver a net-zero future for the built environment by adopting the RICS whole life carbon assessment (WLCA) standard, 2nd edition.

A world-leading and award-winning standard for consistent and accurate carbon measurement in the built environment, WLCA presents tangible opportunities for you in your work. The standard equips members and assessors with the right skills and knowledge for completing consistent and accurate carbon measurements.  By giving visibility to embodied carbon, operational carbon and user carbon – a unique feature of the standard – a comprehensive and consistent approach can be used for decision making.

In full effect from 1 July 2024, RICS members need to follow the 2nd edition standard’s requirements when completing a whole life carbon assessment. This includes recording any deviations from the standard, as part of the assessment.

This dedicated hub has helpful resources to start your journey, from implementation guides and supporting documents to comprehensive training courses. You can also find a dedicated FAQ section, as well as adoptions and endorsements of the standard by global organisations.

“The second edition of whole life carbon assessment for the built environment encapsulates RICS' role as a global leader in the built environment and its duty to steer the industry towards decarbonisation. This second edition is a truly global standard for a global problem. I want to thank our members from every world region, our staff, partner specialists and the Department for Transport and Net Zero Waste Scotland for their hard work and crucial support, which made this a reality.”

Justin Young


Adoptions and endorsements

Calculating and reporting carbon emissions over the lifecycle of a built asset

Through an assessment methodology based on six key principles:

- Comprehensive

- Data-driven

- Consistent

- Practical

- Aligned

- Integrated


- Raw material extraction

- Manufacturing

- Transportation


- transportation

- assembly

- installation


- use

- maintenance

- repair

- renewal

End of life

- deconstruction

- waste processing

- disposal

Beyond asset life

potential for:

- reuse

- recycling

- energy recovery

Contact us

To find out more about the standard or for support in embedding it within your organisation, please contact our experts at:


Useful links