To support members and surveying professionals use the whole life carbon assessment (WLCA) standard, 2nd edition, we have created a range of implementation guides and supporting documentation when completing whole life carbon assessments.

Take a look below to download the guides and supporting documents.

Related guides and documents

Global harmonisation framework for whole life carbon assessment for the built environment

There is a need for countries to adopt harmonised approaches for whole life carbon assessments, and our global harmonisation framework on WLCA details how the RICS whole life carbon assessment in the built environment standard, as the most consistent and comprehensive methodology developed to assess emissions over the asset’s life cycle, can achieve the needed harmonisation.

The Global Harmonisation framework for WLCAs is now cited in the International Energy Agency’s Breakthrough Agenda Report 2024, under Chapter 7 ‘Buildings’, noting it among key progress made to advance WLCAs and help create resilient buildings.

Whole life carbon assessments - A guide for clients

WLCA is the world’s only comprehensive standard for whole life carbon methodology for constructed assets. The WLCA client guide will provide the details you need to procure and instruct providers to perform an assessment that helps reduce embodied and operational carbon emissions expected to be emitted over the entire life cycle of new builds and existing assets.

Capacity building playbook for a sustainable built and natural environment

A sustainable built and natural environment demands a workforce equipped with the necessary expertise and abilities to contribute to achieving net zero. The shortage of skills significantly hinders the shift towards sustainable methods. Our capacity building playbook for a sustainable built and natural environment features a straightforward and expandable modular design that can be customised to create capacity-building initiatives that encourage net zero and resilient construction practices.

National playbook for implementing whole life carbon assessments

WLCA focuses on contributing to a low carbon future for construction by providing a consistent and transparent approach to managing carbon budgets in building and infrastructure projects. Our national playbook for implementing whole life carbon assessments provides the step-by-step approach to be taken to use and embed the standard in your existing policy, legislation or measurement frameworks.

Contact us

To find out more about the standard or for support in embedding it within your organisation, please contact our experts at: