Since the publication of the RICS Bichard Review, Governing Council has been working to implement the recommendations.  We are pleased today, to announce some crucial developments that will enable us to progress the appointments that are pending as part of the new RICS governance structure. 

Members of Governing Council have agreed the merger of the Nominations and Remuneration Committees to form a new merged Nominations and Remuneration Committee, as per recommendation 30 of the Bichard RICS Review. This Committee will be co-chaired by the current Chairs Harriet Kemp (Remuneration) and Desmond Hudson (Nominations) until early 2023. The new Committee has now also approved the new appointments model which will enable them to have oversight of all governance appointments. 

We are therefore delighted to announce that the first of these governance appointments is for an Interim Senior Independent Governor, to which Lord Michael Bichard has been appointed.

‘I am very pleased to be appointed as the interim senior independent governor. I developed a strong affinity for RICS and its members during the course of working on my report and I am delighted to help deliver my recommendations at pace.’ — Lord Michael Bichard 

Lord Michael Bichard will take on this position immediately, in order to oversee timely implementation over the coming months, giving clarity and additional insight around his recommendations, as well as providing certainty to our professionals and stakeholders over their implementation. Given his in-depth knowledge of our organisation and our future focuses, due to the extensive consultation with our professionals and stakeholders, his input and insight will be extremely valuable as we become a truly member-led organisation, placing the public interest at the heart of our work. 

‘Our members were rightly impressed with Lord Bichard’s review and his passion for our profession.  As we move to implement his recommendations at pace, we see no one better placed to work with us in the interim to ensure the actions follow our member feedback and sentiment, as Lord Bichard received this directly, or to hold the board to account in setting the strategy of the organisation to meet the challenges of the future.’ — Nicholas Maclean, Chair of Governing Council (Interim).

Please keep checking the Bichard RICS Review Hub for future updates on further priority appointments.


Nicholas Maclean headshot zoom_in

Nicholas Maclean headshot