The UK Government had signalled its desire for a statutory provision regarding review of RICS, prior to the publication of the Bill. We have been working constructively with the Secretary of State and the Department on this point, as well as on other critical public interest matters in the built environment, including expanding building safety skills capacity, which is vital to public safety.

RICS commissioned an independent review into its purpose, governance and strategy*, led by Lord Bichard, and as such we are proactively seeking views from Government, and from other key stakeholders. We expect Lord Bichard to deliver his Independent Review by the end of June.

We will continue to work constructively with the Government on this issue, particularly in the light of Lord Bichard’s recommendations.

*announced December 2021

A  Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) spokesperson said:

“The government welcomes the work commissioned by RICS, and carried out by Lord Bichard, to review how RICS operates to ensure it delivers for the public. The Bill provision allowing for periodic independent reviews would support the organisation to be as effective as possible.

“RICS have a vital role in the homebuilding sector and any approach will be made in the context of the Bichard review. We look forward to working with Lord Bichard and RICS on this."