We recognise how important your professional status is to you, we also understand that sometimes your personal situation should be taken into account when your professional fee is due.

If your personal situation for 2024 means that you are seeking a concession on your professional fee, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

Concessions must be applied for at the time of renewal. RICS will not provide any refunds should a concession be applied for after payment or commitment to pay.

We offer a range of concessions on professional fees. Below you can find the criteria for each concession.

Types of concessions

A non-practising concession is available for those professionals who no longer work within the surveying profession for remuneration. This is defined as providing a service or services within the meaning of Article 3 of the Royal Charter to professional, corporate, institutional and all other clients. This is a wide definition and includes, for example, those professionals who are in management or administrative jobs which benefit from their surveying qualification and/or experience. Payments received for services as a non-executive director are allowed, provided the professional receives no other remuneration and does not expect to return to work in the future for remuneration.

The non-practising/no longer working within the surveying profession concession reduces the annual subscription fee by 50%. This concession only applies to the current year, you must re-apply each year.

Details of the CPD policy can be found on the CPD Compliance Guide page. Should you have any queries regarding your CPD requirements, please contact our CPD Support team via email cpd@rics.org.

If you are a member of the Valuer Registration Scheme or have a regulated firm, you must de-register from regulation. Details can be found at Manage your firm registration. If you have any questions, please contact regulation via email regulation@rics.org.

Even if you are non-practising or no longer working in the surveying profession, we would like to remind you that you are still eligible for support from Lionheart, the charity that supports past and present RICS professionals and their families. This may include financial and employment support, counselling and legal advice. Call free on 0800 009 2960 (+121 289 3300 from outside UK) or visit www.lionheart.org.uk to find out more.

To apply, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

A concession is available for those professionals who are currently employed on a part-time basis in the surveying profession.

The part-time concession reduces the annual fee by 50%. This concession only applies to the current year, you must re-apply each year.

Part-time, in the context of the concession, is defined as being contracted to work for payment, being paid to work, or expecting to be paid to work, in the surveying profession for less than 100 days or 700 hours between 1 January 2024 and 31 October 2024, or 120 days or 840 hours between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024.

To apply, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

A concession is available for those professionals who are currently unemployed or seeking work.

The unemployed or seeking work concession reduces the annual fee by 90%. This concession only applies to the current year, you must re-apply each year.

Details of the CPD policy can be found on the CPD Compliance Guide page. Should you have any queries on your CPD requirements, please contact our CPD Support team e: cpd@rics.org.

If you are a member of the Valuer Registration Scheme or have a regulated firm, you must de-register from regulation. Details can be found at Manage your firm registration. If you have any questions, please contact regulation via email regulation@rics.org.

For further support visit RICS’ dedicated recruitment platform, where you can get expert careers advice on how to:

  • Improve your CV and interview techniques
  • Meet other professionals
  • Discover exclusive job opportunities
  • Network with other surveying professionals

Support for you as an RICS Professional and your family is also available from Lionheart. Lionheart can offer a range of help including free back-to-work support and financial support in some circumstances. If you wish to contact them, you can call free on 0800 009 2960 (+121 289 3300 from outside UK) or visit www.lionheart.org.uk to find out more.

To apply, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

As an academic whose income is derived from the teaching of surveying related courses in the higher education sector, you could be entitled to a reduced annual fee.

The academic concession reduces the annual subscription fee by 50%. This concession only applies to the current year, you must re-apply each year.

Full CPD obligations apply for academic professionals and details can be found on the CPD Compliance Guide page.

To apply, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

A concession is available for those professionals who are on parental or adoption leave.

The parental or adoption leave concession reduces the annual subscription fee by 100%. This concession only applies to the current year.

Details of the CPD policy can be found on the CPD Compliance Guide page. Should you have any queries regarding your CPD requirements, please contact our CPD Support team via email cpd@rics.org.

If you are a member of the Valuer Registration Scheme or have a regulated firm, you must de-register from regulation. Details can be found at Manage your firm registration. If you have any questions, please contact regulation via email regulation@rics.org.

This is an exciting yet sometimes challenging time in your life and we would like to remind you that a range of support, including return to work support, is available through Lionheart to help you prepare for the next stage of your career. Call free on 0800 009 2960 (+121 289 3300 from outside UK) or visit www.lionheart.org.uk to find out more.

To apply, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

A concession is available for those professionals who are currently taking a career break to raise a family or care for a relative and not working for remuneration.

The family raising/family caring concession reduces the annual professional fee by 90%. Professionals claiming this concession must be taking a break from employment to care for a child within or under education age or be a carer for a relative and not currently working for renumeration.

This concession only applies to the current year, you must re-apply each year.

Details of the CPD policy can be found on the CPD Compliance Guide page. Should you have any queries regarding your CPD requirements, please contact our CPD Support team via email cpd@rics.org.

If you are a member of the Valuer Registration Scheme or have a regulated firm, you must de-register from regulation. Details can be found at Manage your firm registration. If you have any questions, please contact regulation via email regulation@rics.org.

Returning to work after a career break can be a challenging time and we would like to remind you that a range of support, including return to work support and coaching, is available through Lionheart to help you prepare for the next stage of your career when you are ready. Call free on 0800 009 2960 (+121 289 3300 from outside UK) or visit www.lionheart.org.uk to find out more.

To apply, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

If professionals are planning to retire during the year, they are eligible for this concession, which reduces professional fees on a pro-rata basis.

  • Quarter 1, 1st February – 31st March: 75% reduction
  • Quarter 2, 1st April – 30th June: 50% reduction
  • Quarter 3, 1st July – 30th September: 25% reduction

This concession will be applied on a perpetual basis. If your circumstances change, you must advise RICS immediately and arrange to pay the full professional fee.

In the following years of your retirement, your professional fees will be reduced by 90% as part of the Retired Concession.

Upon retirement, if you are a member of the Valuer Registration Scheme or have a regulated firm, you must de-register from regulation. Details can be found at Manage your firm registration. If you have any questions, please contact regulation via email regulation@rics.org.

To apply, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

A concession is available for professionals who are no longer working in any capacity for remuneration and who do not expect to return to work in the future for remuneration. For this purpose, the re-imbursement of expenses and the receipt of dividends from a company are not “remuneration”, but payments to executive directors of companies are considered as remuneration.

If professionals retire part-way through the year they are eligible for this concession, on a pro-rata basis. Please refer to the upcoming retirement concession.

The retired concession reduces the annual professional fee by 90% providing application is made before the 1 January 2024, after this date the concession is calculated on a quarterly basis.

This concession will be applied on a perpetual basis. If your circumstances change you must advise RICS immediately and arrange to pay the full fee.

As a retired professional, you are still eligible for lifelong support from Lionheart. This may include financial assistance in certain circumstances, practical and emotional support, legal advice and free counselling. Call free on 0800 009 2960 (+121 289 3300 from outside UK) or visit www.lionheart.org.uk to find out more.

To apply, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

A concession is available for those professionals who are currently unable to work due to ill-health or incapacity.

The ill-health concession reduces the annual fee by 90%. This concession only applies to the current year, you must re-apply each year.

Details of the CPD policy can be found on the CPD Compliance Guide page. Should you have any queries regarding your CPD requirements, please contact our CPD Support team via email cpd@rics.org.

If you are unable to work through ill-health or disability, don’t forget you are eligible for a wide range of services through Lionheart, the charity that supports RICS professionals and their families. This may include financial assistance in certain circumstances, practical and emotional support, legal advice and free counselling. Call free on 0800 009 2960 (+44 (0)121 289 3300 from outside UK) or visit www.lionheart.org.uk to find out more.

To apply, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

As well as one of the personal concessions mentioned above, RICS recognises that some of our professionals are also members of other organisations. If you are a member of RICS and a full member of one of the organisations listed below, you can benefit from the dual membership concession.

Professionals are only eligible for one dual concession but can also be eligible for one other personal concession each calendar year.

Please see below the list of organisations recognised by the concession.

  • Australia Property Institute (API)
  • Australian Institute of Building Surveyors (AIBS)
  • Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS)
  • The Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors (HKIES)
  • Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS)
  • Hong Kong Institute of Housing (HKIH)
  • Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI)
  • Institute of Surveyors, Malaysia (ISM)
  • New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NZIQS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Surveyors (NZIS)
  • New Zealand Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA)
  • Property Institute of New Zealand (PINZ)
  • Valuers Registration Board of New Zealand (VRBNZ)
  • Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV)
  • Society of Chartered Surveyors in Ireland (SCSI) - only available if you currently hold valid membership with the SCSI and if practising outside the Republic of Ireland
  • South African Council for the Quantity surveying profession (SACQSP)
  • South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession (SACPVP)

The dual membership concession reduces the annual fee by 20%.

This concession only applies to the current year, you must re-apply each year, except for the Society of Chartered Surveyors in Ireland (SCSI) dual membership concession which is perpetual.

If your circumstances change you must advise RICS immediately and arrange to pay the full fee.

To apply, please contact us at contactrics@rics.org.

Concession terms and conditions

  1. RICS expects that professionals claiming concessions will do so honestly and diligently. False or incorrect claims will be viewed as conduct issues and referred to Regulation for disciplinary action, which may lead ultimately to expulsion. As part of its routine processes RICS audits a percentage of concession requests. You may be required to submit evidence in support of any claim for a discounted rate. RICS reserves the right, in its full discretion, to decide whom it will make further enquiries from and the information it may require.
  2. If you are granted a concession and your circumstances then change you must tell RICS immediately and arrange to pay the full professional fee. There is no pro-rata concession if your circumstances change during the year, except where you retire part-way through the year.
  3. Only one personal concession can be applied for every year.
  4. Concessions must be applied for at the time of renewal. RICS will not provide any refunds should a concession be applied for after payment or commitment to pay.
  5. You may still apply for a concession if you are providing surveying services free of charge. However, if you are a principal in a firm regulated by RICS, your firm may be subject to the Rules of Conduct for Firms.

The surveying profession is defined as any providing a service or services within the meaning of Article 3 of the Royal Charter to professional, corporate, institutional or all other clients.

Concessions cannot be granted retrospectively and can be granted for the year of application only.