This quarter North America sees the highest Construction Activity Index it has reached since the series began in 2019, reaching +46%. Infrastructure workloads have the strongest growth, broadly consistent with government stimulus measures that have either been introduced or are in the legislative process.
As businesses look to increase headcounts to ensure they have capacity to meet demand, respondents share concerns about skill shortages, with 74% in Canada and 67% in the US highlighting it as a factor holding back activity and noting a shortage for quantity surveyors.
Update: Ann Gray shares her insight on what Biden’s Infrastructure Bill means for the construction industry and what more needs to be done to deliver it.
"Biden's infrastructure bill will add to the already encouraging amount of construction industry enthusiasm as seen in the latest RICS GCM, but there are questions on how it will deliver. While the public funds for infrastructure are crucial to delivering projects for the benefit of the public, it will also be important that public agencies and leaders embrace public-private partnerships, design-build, quantity surveying and international cost management standards to extend the utility of available capital, ensure transparency and build trust in projects." - Ann Gray FRICS, RICS President Elect