In this video discussion, Andrew Knight talks with Tom Haley from Quantik. The conversation delves into the wide-ranging influence of data and technology across the property life cycle. Quantik's vision is highlighted, combining traditional quantity surveying practices with innovative technology solutions. The discussion covers challenges in procurement processes, document management, and the need for industry-wide adaptation to technological advancements. Tom underscores the importance of utilising technology to enhance financial stability, particularly in monthly reviews and reporting. Overall, the conversation envisions a future for quantity surveying where minimal waste in data processing leads to heightened productivity and impactful decision-making. The following topics are discussed in this video:

  • Quantik's focus on blending traditional quantity surveying practices with intelligent technology.
  • Challenges in procurement processes and document management.
  • Importance of capturing data for future design decisions.
  • Addressing issues in monthly reviews for understanding project profitability.
  • Utilising data systems and technology for financial reporting.
  • Discussion on unsustainable business models in the construction industry.
  • Need for industry-wide adaptation of technological advancements.
  • Optimistic view of leveraging technology to reduce waste and enhance productivity.
  • Importance of integrating technology with professional standards for improved outcomes.

More information regarding the Tech Partner Programme and our partner Quantik can be found here.