
In house training

Why choose RICS in-house training?


With a worldwide professional network we can provide local training solutions in an international market, so whether you are based in the UK or internationally, RICS can deliver courses at your premises or online, to your specifications and at a time and date that works for you.


Courses can be delivered at your premises or through private online channels, giving you the opportunity to discuss sensitive subjects that you may not be able to discuss in a public course, such as competitor issues or challenges within the business.


We will work with you to identify relevant training courses from our existing course catalogue or the RICS Training Team can design and develop bespoke courses to your organisation’s needs, ranging from half a day face to face training through to 6 month online learning courses.

Expertly Delivered

All our courses are delivered in line with RICS guidance, best practice and international standards, including latest industry trends and technologies. You will have access to a dedicated RICS Account Manager, as well as access to our highly experienced trainers

In house training is now being delivered digitally

✔ Watch the training live

Study from a place that suits you

✔ Interact with your trainer

Ask your trainer as many questions as you like through our online platform

✔ Watch your session again

Revisit your course through an online recording, available after the session

✔ Participants forum

Share your thoughts and experience with your peers

✔ Get your formal CPD