UK Planning and Development Update

1.0 Hours Formal CPD


From £26 + VAT


This webinar will explore the government’s ‘Golden Rules’ for development on the Grey and Green Belt land re-allocated as part of their plans for increased housebuilding.

Our expert speaker will demonstrate how to remain compliant with stipulations that new developments should deliver 50% affordable homes, increased access to green spaces, and put infrastructure such as schools and GP surgeries in place as part of their developments.

Attendees will gain a greater understanding of any difficulties created by a potential transition period for Greenbelt re-allocation, and explore how the rules are evolving to impact developer decision-making against a backdrop of compulsory building targets across the UK.

Learning outcomes

Understand the new ‘Golden Rules’ and requirements for Green and Grey Belt building.

Ensure compliance within your organisation as the discussions around new developer obligations evolve, and consider their impact for developers across the country.


  • Chair: Samer Bagaeen MRICS MRTPI, Professor of Planning and Resilient Systems, University of Kent; Technical Director, Town Planning, Arcadis
  • Panelist: Philip Barnes, FRICS Group Land Director, Barratt Redrow
  • Panelist: Mike Kiely, Chair, Planning Officers Society

Price summary


£26 + VAT


£35.10 + VAT

From £26