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South Asia Circular Economy Webinar

1.0 Hours Formal CPD


Redefining Resources : The Circular Economy Approach


South Asia, with its rapidly growing population and industrial sector, faces unique challenges in waste management and resource utilization . Adopting circular economy practices can play a crucial role in addressing these challenges , promoting sustainable development , and fostering economic resilience in the region.

During the session, we will:

  • Discuss the fundamental concepts of the circular economy in South Asia
  • Examine successful regional case studies in South Asia
  • Provide actionable strategies for implementing circular practices within your organization in South Asia

We will learn how to turn sustainability challenges into opportunities for innovation and growth.

Learning outcomes


  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the circular economy and its significance in modern sustainability practices .
  • Acquire practical knowledge and strategies for integrating circular economy principles into business operations and product life cycles.