Global Unconscious Bias in Valuation

1.0 Hours Formal CPD


From £25 + VAT


Recent statistics in the Brookings report, The Devaluation of Assets in Black Neighbourhoods, have shown that black homeowners often have their properties devalued by 19 – 22% compared to white homeowners. While many may believe that valuations are free of bias, there can be historic factors and underlying issues when it comes to the valuation of properties.

While diversity in the valuation sector is slowly improving, it is of the utmost importance to be aware of any red flags that may lead to unconscious bias in valuations and ensure that any valuations made are taking the quality of the property alone into consideration.

This webinar will cover:

  • Common trends in valuation that can cause bias.
  • Advice on how you can prevent unconscious bias in your valuations.
  • A Q&A with an expert in the area.

Learning outcomes

  • An understanding of the common factors that lead to unconscious bias in valuation.
  • Insight into historical examples of unconscious bias in valuation.
  • Useful statistics on bias to consider in future valuations.


Jillian White

Over the last two decades, Jillian White has led a successful career as an executive and entrepreneur in the real estate appraisal industry. As an SRA designated appraiser, Jillian has served on The Appraisal Institute's Government Relations Committee, as Trustee of The Appraisal Foundation's Board of Trustees and as a former member of the New York State Appraisal Board.

She began her career as founder and CEO of White Picket Fence Appraisals, a residential real estate appraisal company based in New York. Motivated by her experience as one of the industry's few black female appraisers, and having to 'whitewash' her own family’s home in order to facilitate the sale, Jillian has made it her personal mission to educate and empower all stakeholders on the topic of appraisal bias.

Jillian received a B.A. in Neuroscience and Behavior from Columbia University.


GBP £25 + VAT


GBP £32.50 + VAT

From £25