Royal Epping Forest Golf Club, Forest Approach, Chingford, LONDON, E4 7AZ
The Landlord and Tenant 1954 Act has been in force for over 70 years and is currently under review to see whether it requires amending. But there continues to be a stream of new cases that resolve hitherto unanswered questions and reveal traps for valuers and lawyers alike. This talk will review some of these recent developments, from human rights to the legal tests applied by the Court to the approach taken to expert evidence, and underscore the lessons learned from past judgments.
Edward Blakeney practices in all areas of property law, with a particular specialism in commercial landlord and tenant, residential landlord and tenant, and real property disputes. He also deals with commercial and professional liability issues when these intersect with property law.
Edward has a busy court and advisory practice that encompasses pre-action, trial, and appellate work, and he undertakes cases both as sole counsel and as part of a counsel team. Edward regularly appears in the County Court and First-tier Tribunal and has also appeared in a number of cases before the Upper Tribunal, High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. See Edward’s full profile here.