The lists below details those insurers who are listed to underwrite professional indemnity insurance policies of RICS member firms in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland from 1 July 2024.
If your insurer isn't visible on the list, kindly consult your broker for assistance. Your broker may be in touch with insurers listed by RICS on your behalf.
Insurer Group |
Insurer |
Accelerant |
Accelerant Insurance Europe SA/NV |
Accelerant Insurance UK Limited |
Accredited |
Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited - UK Branch |
Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited |
Aegis |
Aegis Managing Agency Limited - Lloyd's Syndicate 1225 |
Lloyd's Insurance Company SA - Syndicate 5322 |
Lloyd’s Consortium 4894 - Aegis E & O Consortium |
Allianz |
Allianz Global corporate & Speciality SE; |
Allianz insurance PLC |
Allied World Assurance Company (Europe) dac; |
Allied World syndicate 2786 at Lloyds |
American International Group UK Limited |
Am Trust |
AmTrust Specialty Limited (formerly AmTrust Europe Ltd) |
Arch |
Arch Underwriting at Lloyd's Limited Syndicate 2012 |
Arch Underwriting at Lloyd's Limited Syndicate 1955 |
Lloyd's Brussels Syndicate 5348 |
Lloyd's Brussels Syndicate 5339 |
Arch Insurance (UK) Limited |
Arch Insurance (EU) dac |
Argenta |
Argenta Syndicate Management Ltd - Syndicate Arg 2121 |
Lloyd's Insurance Company SA Arg 5353 |
Ascot |
Ascot Underwriting - Syndicate 1414 |
Lloyd's Insurance Company SA 5325 |
Aviva |
Aviva Insurance Ltd; Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC |
AXA Insurance UK plc |
AXA XL Insurance Company UK Limited (AXICL UK |
XL Insurance Company SE (XLICSE) |
LLOYD'S Syndicate 2003 |
Lloyd's Insurance Company SA - Syndicate LIC5345 |
Axis |
Axis Specialty Europe London |
Axis Syndicate 1686 at lloyds |
Axis Specialty Europe Dublin |
Berkshire Hathaway |
Berkshire Hathaway International Insurance Limited |
Berkshire Hathaway European Insurance DAC |
Blenheim Underwriting | Blenheim Underwriting Limited – Lloyd’s Syndicate 5886 |
Bridgehaven |
Bridgehaven Specialty UK Ltd |
Canopius |
Canopius Managing Agents Limited Syndicate 4444 |
LLoyd's Insurance Company S.A. Syndicate 5380 |
Carbon |
Carbon Underwriting Limited - Lloyds Syndicate CBN 4747 |
Carbon Underwriting Limited - Syndicate CBN 5395 | |
Chubb |
Chubb European Group SE |
Chubb Global Markets - Lloyd's Syndicate 2488 |
Lloyd's Insurance Company S.A. - CGM 5358 |
Chubb European Group Ltd |
CNA Insurance Company Ltd |
CNA Insurance Group Limited |
Hardy syndicate 382 at Lloyds |
DCH Syndicate 386 (QBE) |
Syndicate 5386 LBS (QBE) |
Everest |
Everest syndicate 2786 at Lloyds |
Flux |
Flux Syndicate (Lloyd's Syndicate 1985) |
Great American | Great American International Insurance (UK) Ltd |
Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Insurance UK Ltd |
Hadron | Hadron UK Insurance Company Limited (formerly Folgate Insurance Company Limited) |
HCC International Insurance Company Plc |
HCC Lloyd's syndicate 4141 |
Tokio Marine Europe SA |
HDI Global Specialty SE - UK |
Hiscox |
Hiscox Insurance Company Ltd |
International |
International General Insurance Company UK Ltd |
Liberty |
Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE (UK Branch) |
Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE |
Markel |
Markel International Insurance Company Limited |
MSAmlin | MSAmlin Insurance SE |
Munich |
Munich Re Syndicate |
Probitas |
Probitas Syndicate1492 at Lloyd's |
QBE UK Ltd |
Lloyd’s Syndicate 1886 QBE |
Lloyd's Insurance Company SA 5335 QBE |
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Ltd |
SiriusPoint |
SiriusPoint International Insurance Corporation UK |
Sompo |
Sompo International (Endurance Worldwide Insurance Limited) |
Tokio Marine |
Tokio Marine Kiln Syndicate 510 |
Travelers |
Travelers Insurance Company Limited |
Travelers Syndicate 5000 at Lloyd's | |
W.R. Berkley Syndicate Management Limited on behalf of WRB Syndicate 1967 at Lloyds |
Zurich |
Zurich Insurance Europe AG (formerly Zurich Insurance PLC) - UK Branch |
Insurer Group |
Insurer |
Accelerant |
Accelerant Insurance Europe SA |
Accredited |
Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited |
AIG | Europe S.A (Ireland Branch) |
Allianz |
Allianz Global Corporate & Speciality SE |
Arch |
Lloyd’s Brussels Syndicate 5348 (Arch 2012) |
Arch Insurance (EU) DAC |
Ascot |
Ascot – LBS 5325 |
XL Insurance Company SE |
Axis |
Axis Speciality Europe SE Dublin |
Lloyd’s Insurance Company SA 5328 |
CNA Insurance Group Limited |
Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A. Syndicate 382 |
Ergo |
Ergo Versicherung AG |
Everest |
Lloyd’s Insurance Company SA EVE 5363 (Everest) |
Everest Insurance (Ireland) DAC |
Great American | Great American International Insurance (EU) DAC |
International General Insurance Company (Europe) SE |
RSA Luxembourg S.A |
Aspen |
Lloyd’s Insurance Company SA ASP 5383 (Aspen) |
Zurich |
Zurich Insurance plc |
We have recently been aware that unrated insurers have entered the PII market for RICS firms.
Whilst RICS recognise the difficulties in obtaining professional indemnity insurance at the current time, the RICS requires that regulated firms must obtain their PII from a listed insurer that is rated by either AM Best, with a credit rating of at least B+, or Standard & Poor, with a credit rating of at least category BBB.
RICS do not believe that insurance provided by unrated insurers is adequate and appropriate, as they have not been rated in terms of their financial strength by an international ratings agency and present a higher risk of failure, potentially leaving regulated firms uninsured and exposed to financial loss.
RICS will not accept dispensations requests for insurance provided by unrated insurers.
We have a list of insurers that's renewed annually. Each year we invite insurers to apply to be a listed insurer and, provided they meet with our criteria as detailed below, they'll be accepted.
"Listed Insurer" means an insurer who:
(a) is authorised by the Department of Trade and Industry in the United Kingdom or the Department for Enterprise and Employment in the Republic of Ireland to underwrite general liability insurance business or is in some other way recognised by the Department of Trade and Industry or the Department for Enterprise and Employment to provide professional indemnity insurance business in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland respectively
is in some other way recognised by the Department of Trade and Industry or the Department for Enterprise and Employment to provide professional indemnity insurance business in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland respectively
is an insurance company the head office of which is in a member state of the European Union other than the United Kingdom and which is entitled to carry on insurance business as a branch in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland on the freedom to provide services basis
(b) is rated within AM Best at least B+ or Standard & Poors at least Category BBB or have specific written approval from RICS to waive the requirement; and
(c) agrees to write a policy that is no less comprehensive than the form of the RICS policy wording [subject to any derogations for firms within the Assigned Risks Pool] in force at the time when the policy of insurance is taken out; and
d) agrees to underwrite, for the period of the contract, the ARP lineslip contract terms as set out in this Prospectus for Listed Insurers and to be bound by the terms thereof for such period as may be agreed between the RICS and the Listed Insurer; and
(e) is listed by the RICS for the purposes of the Assigned Risks Pool.
RICS Listed Insurers UK