We would always encourage those who have a complaint or query relating to their interaction with RICS Regulation staff to attempt to address this with the person concerned.
However, if you wish to submit a complaint about the service, the following guidance is in regards to the service provided by Regulation staff. There are two stages to the review of complaints about the service provided:
Please be aware that there is no right of appeal against a decision to not pursue an investigation against a RICS Regulated Member. However, in certain limited circumstances, RICS may reconsider a decision made, such as where new evidence is provided which is relevant to the original decision. For further information, please see “RICS reconsideration policy”.
RICS understand that raising a concern, making a complaint or being under investigations can be stressful, and can take time to resolve. However, we expect those that interact with us to behave in an acceptable manner to protect the health and welfare of our staff. Where this is not the case, RICS may take steps to stop further communication or put restrictions on it. For further information, please see “RICS Regulation – Acceptable behaviour policy”.
There is no right to appeal the outcome of a decision. Only Regulated Members have a right to appeal if a disciplinary outcome is made against them.