Rule 1 of the Rules of Conduct requires members and firms to act honestly, with integrity and in compliance with professional obligations. Expected behaviour under this rule includes not allowing yourself to be improperly influenced by others or your own self-interest, identifying conflicts of interest and not acting where a conflict or serious risk of one occurs. Unless action can be taken to avoid that conflict arising by taking the steps set out in the RICS’ Conflicts of interest.

The professional standard identifies three types of conflict: conflicts between parties, own-interest conflicts and confidential information conflicts. It sets out the circumstances where informed consent may be used to avoid a conflict.

RICS Valuation – Global Standards (Red Book Global Standards) also sets out specific requirements around conflicts of interest in valuation. In particular PS 2 paragraph 3.9 says:

‘3.9 While it is not possible to provide a definitive list of situations in a valuation context where a threat to a member’s independence or objectivity may arise, the following should always be regarded as presenting a potential or actual threat and therefore requiring appropriate action as specified in the RICS professional statement:

  • acting for the buyer and the seller of a property or asset in the same transaction
  • acting for two or more parties competing for an opportunity
  • valuing for a lender where advice is also being provided to the borrower or the broker
  • valuing a property or asset previously valued for another client of the same valuer or firm
  • undertaking a valuation for third-party consumption where the valuer’s firm has other fee-earning relationships with the client and
  • valuing both parties’ interests in a leasehold transaction.

Members are also reminded that the interest of any third parties in the valuation, and the reliance they may place on it, will also be a relevant consideration.’

Below is a generic flow chart to assist with understanding the sequence of steps for considering whether or not to accept a valuation instruction when considering conflict of interest issues.

Example scenarios