- Introduction, UK PS1, UK VPS 1, UK VPS 2: Minor house style amends. IRRV application statement removed.
- Glossary: Replicated from RICS Valuation – Global Standards (‘Red Book’) with some additional UK-specific terms included. Draft IVS 2023 ESG definition adopted.
- UK VPGA 1, Valuation for financial reporting: general matters: Minor amends incorporating: general administrative updates; providing signposting to recent RICS guidance including IFRS 16 practice information; providing further clarification within UK VPGA 1.6 relating to treatment of purchaser’s costs; and providing further clarification about making land/build apportionments within UK VPGA 1.10.
- UK VPGA 2 Valuations for other regulated purposes (listings and prospectuses, takeovers and mergers, authorised collective investment schemes, unauthorised and unregulated collective investment schemes): Major amends incorporating external regulatory changes (e.g. FCA and Takeover Panel).
- UK VPGA 3 Valuations for assessing adequacy of financial resources: Minor amends incorporating general administrative updates and commentary relating to implementation of the Basel III regulatory framework for banks by the Prudential Regulation Authority and a small comment on solvency II.
- UK VPGA 4 Valuation of local authority assets for accounting purposes: Entire re-write by the Public Sector Valuation Expert Working Group in conjunction with representatives from CIPFA, to present the information to members in a more accessible and user-friendly manner, and to avoid duplication of information.
- UK VPGA 5 Valuation of central government, devolved administration and NHS assets for accounting purposes: Minor house style and clarification related amends.
- UK VPGA 6 Local authority and central government accounting: existing use value (EUV) basis of value: Major amends to this section have now been incorporated which have been authored by the by the RICS Existing Use Value Working Group, prepared in conjunction with a new professional standard prepared in this area.
- UK VPGA 7 Valuation of registered social housing providers’ assets for financial statements – Minor amends incorporating general administrative updates worked on in conjunction with affordable housing valuation experts.
- UK VPGA 8 Valuation of charity assets: Major amends in conjunction with major updates made to the Charities Act 2022.
- UK VPGA 9 Relationship with auditors: Minor amends incorporating commentary relating to minimum information requirements for auditors (particularly in portfolio valuations).
- UK VPGA 10 Valuation for commercial secured lending purposes: Minor house style amends. New ESG principles.
- UK VPGA 11 Valuation of UK Residential Property: Focus broadened out to provision of valuation advice for residential property in the UK (to include, but not limited to, secured lending). In accordance with market feedback, content has been reshaped to high level principles with detailed guidance to follow in a separate guidance publication. UK VPGAs 12 and 13 have been merged into this UK VPGA.
- UK VPGA 14 Valuation of registered social housing for loan security purposes: Minor amends incorporating general administrative updates worked on in conjunction with affordable housing valuation experts.
- UK VPGA 15 Valuations for Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, Stamp Duty Land Tax and, the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings, and Residential Property Developer Tax Minor: amends incorporating general administrative updates, signposting to additional HRMC and VOA guidance, and inclusion of commentary relating to Residential Property Developer Tax.
- UK VPGA 16 Valuations for compulsory purchase and statutory compensation: Minor amends. Note CPO professional statement update recently consulted on.
- UK VPGA 17 Local authority disposal of land for less than best consideration: New guidance covering Northern Ireland and Scotland incorporated, general reordering.
- [Former] UK VPGA 18 UK Affordable rent and market rent under the Housing Acts in a regulatory Context - removed as per evidence of affordable housing experts.