The content on this page encourages the appropriate consideration of the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method and related models used in valuation. It is the valuer's decision, based on their professional judgement, which valuation approach, method and model is used. Use of DCF is not mandatory.

Valuation is an evolving profession. In some places, such as the UK, implicit income capitalisation models remain prevalent for the valuation of many property investment assets on a market value basis, however, explicit DCF models are being increasingly considered in appropriate circumstances.

This page will be periodically updated with new content.

DCF practice information paper

A practical global guide covering the use of DCF valuation.

DCF basis of conclusions

A summary of responses and published conclusions covering RICS DCF valuation workstreams.


Training and upskilling opportunities

RICS has a three-part web class covering DCF:

RICS isurv has exclusive coverage of DCF available for subscribers:

A free launch webinar for the DCF practice information took place on 14 November 2023:

Software and data

RICS notes the popularity of certain valuation modelling and data products available in the market, the use of bespoke valuation technology solutions and spreadsheet templates and models. An RICS property journal article on valuation software is linked here.

We are mindful of providing a balanced view on valuation software and data. RICS does not typically endorse external commercial products.

RICS is engaged with software and data providers through its valuation software principles workstream and RICS Tech Partner Programme.

Please get in touch with us at with any related queries.


Our RICS global and UK commercial property monitors are leading indicators of conditions in commercial property occupier and investor markets around the world.

This paper aims to discuss the benefits of, and challenges to, an increasing use of data in the commercial property market. The paper deals with the ownership of data, its security and regulation.

Getting involved

Join the conversation on RICS’ insight community, MyRICS (also available via the Connected Community app):

To stay informed with the pipeline of Valuation standards and practice information, see here:

To find out about further ways to get involved with RICS standards development, see here:


If you have any questions or feedback on this page, please contact