Please note, this document was reissued in October 2022 as a professional standard. It was previously published in June 2018 as a Guidance Note. The regulatory requirements remain the same. For more information on the document category changes, see the text part way down on this page.

Review 2025

This standard is being reviewed for update. Read more on the update here.

Further reading

RICS Releases Position Paper on Prudently Conservative Valuation Criteria for CRR III Implementation (Dec 2024)

RICS responds to the PRA’s near final policy statement relating to prudent value (Sept 2024)

This professional standard is primarily directed at those providing valuation services within or subject to EU jurisdictions for bank-lending purposes, in particular where the provision of a mortgage lending value (MLV) is requested. While designed for reference by RICS members, it may also assist understanding of the underlying issues by users and other stakeholders – borrowers, lenders, and regulatory authorities.

The standard covers:

(a) ’Sustainable’ or ‘long-term’ value methods (section 2

and Appendix A)

(b) the main definitions of MLV: EU, Germany and Spain

(section 3) and

(c) the role of the RICS valuer (section 4).

In addition, this standard identifies some of the current developments in Europe concerning long-term valuations that are not currently part of the bank lending valuation process but may be required in the future.