The Code is being updated to take into account changes to good practice as well as changes to legislation, such as the Building Safety Act 2022 and the Fire Safety Act 2021.
The Code has been reviewed and updated by an expert group under the guidance of the Jeff Platt the technical author, who has extensive experience in leasehold and service charge management. Following Secretary of State approval for the third edition of the Code, it is also reviewed by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).
The 3rd edition of the Code has been approved by the Secretary of State and became effective from 1 June 2016. It applies only to residential leasehold properties in England, but practitioners operating in other parts of the UK are encouraged to follow the best practice guidelines contained in the Code.
This Code has been prepared to promote desirable practices in respect of the management of residential leasehold property. Successful management can only be achieved through cooperation and a mutual understanding of the procedures necessary for the effective management of property as well as of the problems that can arise.
The Code is therefore intended to be read by landlords, leaseholders, managing agents, managers and occupiers of leasehold property. Although most of the Code is aimed directly at managing agents of residential leasehold property, parts are specifically intended for other parties such as owners and professional advisers.
Whilst there are cost implications of managing residential properties to the standard specified by this Code, the benefits in terms of improved service and the level of satisfaction should make any additional cost worthwhile in the long run. A managing agent should provide a compliant, transparent and value for money service.
Reduce the causes of disputes and to give guidance to resolving disputes where these do occur.
Published date: 27 May 2016