RICS is a member of the Tenancy Reform Industry Group (TRIG) which advises Defra on matters relating to agricultural tenancy legislation. To coincide with the introduction of The Agricultural Holdings (Tenants’ Request for Landlord’s Consent or Variation of Terms and the Suitability Test) (England) Regulations 2021 SI 619, Defra asked TRIG to update the 2004 TRIG Code of good practice for agri-environment schemes and diversification projects within agricultural tenancies to make it relevant to the new statutory procedures.

This Code of Good Practice is the result of that work and will be of benefit to those seeking to apply the new legislation and also in the wider context of the relationship between landlords and tenants of agricultural land and property. The Code provides a useful framework and guide to negotiations surrounding a range of scenarios as the agricultural industry seeks to adapt to the world outside the EU and the other key challenges around the need to drive improvements in productivity and in managing and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

RICS is pleased to publish this Code on behalf of TRIG.