No. The standard is limited in scope to public houses, nightclubs and licensed restaurants. There is limited coverage of digital offerings within the appendices but only in relation to licensed premises.
RICS members and external stakeholders such as industry bodies, government, pub tenants and owners, have requested an update of the 2010 RICS guidance Capital and Rental Valuation of Public Houses, Bars, Restaurants and Nightclubs in England and Wales. We are proposing an updated standard under the new title Valuation of licensed leisure property including public houses, bars, nightclubs and restaurants. We ran a consultation on the updated standard that closed in July 2024. We are currently considering the responses to develop the final version. This is subject to RICS governance procedures.
In a specialist market such as licensed leisure, the provision and consideration of professional advice can be complex. Parts of the licensed leisure market are highly regulated, and we want the views of market stakeholders on how the valuation process interacts with this, to make sure our coverage of the valuation process is clear, concise and balanced.