“An important step towards a European Renovation wave and a call for action.”

Susanne Eickermann-Riepe FRICS

Chair of the European Board

Our organisation has long advocated for ambitious measures to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability in the built environment. In alignment with this advocacy, we want to support our members in navigating the implications of major policy developments.

Last month's final approval of the EPBD by the Council marks an important step in the decarbonisation of our sector. Recognising the importance of providing accessible resources for our members, we have developed a policy summary covering key aspects of the EPBD that can be found here.

In line with our commitment to fostering understanding and implementation of legislation among our members across Europe, we have prepared a condensed version of the summary in local languages. The summaries that are currently available are in Czech (CS), Dutch (NL), English (EN), French (FR), Hungarian (HU), Italian (IT), Polish (PL), Romanian (RO) and Spanish (ES).

If you would like this summary to be translated into your language, please contact your local MEL.

Special thanks to our dedicated staff and supportive members whose invaluable assistance has enabled us to produce content in local languages. Your commitment and collaboration are greatly appreciated.