The video discussion features Andrew Knight and Daniel Green, who discuss the impact of drone technology on various aspects of the environment and land management. Daniel Green, representing The Black Arrows, shares his journey from the marketing industry to the drone service sector. He highlights the crucial role of data and technology in capturing valuable information for large-scale land surveys and conservation projects. Daniel emphasizes the significance of using drones to collect data that facilitates informed decision-making for land development and conservation efforts. He elaborates on the diverse applications of drone technology, ranging from topographical surveys to biodiversity analysis and rewilding projects. Furthermore, he touches upon the increasing role of AI and advanced drone capabilities, foreseeing a future of smarter data collection and processing. In this video, the following topics are covered:

  • Daniel Green's background and the origin of The Black Arrows
  • Use of drones for data capture and analysis in land management
  • Various types of drones and their payloads for specific tasks
  • Clients and applications of drone technology in land surveys and conservation
  • The role of drone data in combating climate change and biodiversity loss
  • Challenges and limitations in drone technology, including flight time and weather conditions
  • Future trends in the drone service sector, focusing on AI integration and technological advancements.

More information regarding the Tech Partner Programme and our partner The Black Arrows can be found at