The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) supports the levelling up agenda, and its potential to create a more just economy with a more even spread of opportunity throughout the UK.
We are calling on government, through the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, to address the nationwide housing shortage, reform planning to create a more efficient system for both communities and developers and encourage integration of critical infrastructure to support employment-led growth ensuing projects avoid unnecessary contractual conflicts through the greater understanding and utilisation of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
As a leading professional body in land, property and construction which works to serve the public interest, we stand ready to work with government to help deliver on its strategic vision for levelling up.
RICS has opened up a long-term dialogue with the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to support and input expertise into the UK’s levelling up plans.
Our 10-point plan, ‘Levelling Up and Sustainable Placemaking’ sets out the overarching policy recommendations for the UK Government.
For more information on our Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill recommendations, read the full report, Levelling Up and Sustainable Placemaking.
Please get in touch with us to feed in your views and comments at
Published date: 26 July 2022