As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting sustainable practices and solutions in the natural and built environment, we have launched a COP28 Global Student Competition.

Launched to mark COP28, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, it provides a platform for students to contribute to the global dialogue and drive change. We invite the next generation of leaders and professionals to propose a practical solution needed to ensure rapid and effective decarbonisation of the built environment, in one of five areas outlined: Policy, Finance, Technology, Society and Skills.

This initiative aims to empower young minds from across the globe to harness their creativity and envision ground-breaking ideas that can make a meaningful impact in the fight against climate change. The built environment is estimated to be responsible for around 40% of global carbon emissions. By involving students, the RICS recognises their unique ability to bring fresh perspectives, innovative thinking, and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by future generations.

Students from universities around the world are encouraged to submit individually or as a group a 2,000-word written essay or a 15-minute video presenting the solution through a set of slides.

The submission deadline for the COP28 Global Student Competition is 4 September 2023.

As part of its commitment to sustainability, RICS will award the winner(s):

• MRICS mentorship opportunity, receiving guidance from esteemed professionals in the field.

This program aims to further cultivate their skills, expand their industry knowledge, and provide valuable insights to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in their careers.

• An exclusive opportunity to be a key speaker at the upcoming World Built Environment Forum (WBEF), which brings together industry leaders, policymakers, and sustainability advocates to discuss and shape the future of the Built Environment.

This opportunity provides an unparalleled platform to share their innovative solution to a global audience, gaining exposure and recognition for their outstanding achievements.

• The winning proposal will be published on the WBEF platform, reaching a wide network of professionals, policymakers, and industry leaders.

This publication not only highlights the exceptional quality of their work but also ensures that their innovative solution contributes to the ongoing global dialogue on sustainability in the Built Environment.

RICS President Ann Gray expressed enthusiasm for the initiative, stating:

"Climate change is a long-term, multi-generational challenge, and the built environment's future leaders will drive the sector's response. Supporting the next generation of professionals to promote innovative solutions is vital to mitigating the negative effects of our sector.

The RICS COP28 Global Student Competition promises to produce innovative thinking that can help to shape the conversation. The next generation has taken up the cause of climate change with inspiring vigor and I look forward to viewing the entries and helping to promote the winning ideas to those who can take them forward.”

For more information about the COP28 Global Student Competition, including submission guidelines and entry details, please visit the official RICS website.

For more information on our COP28 initiatives, please contact Abdullah Akaish at